Naked Natalie appeared on the cover of the CD
The Knight Wigguh and the Nippie Higger
by Biff Rose.

Biff painted Natalie in his Starring Artist studio in New Orleans.


Biff Rose rose to fame in the late 60's. He was a favorite on The Tonight Show
until his 12th appearance, when he sang The Black Messiah.


Hear one of Biff's early songs, Fill Your Heart
This appeared on Biff's first album, and on David Bowie's album Hunky Dory.


The painting in the background was made by bodies on a sheet.
It became the motif of the CD label.

After the shoot, Natalie washed off the black paint from her body.
Here she is in Biff's kitchen before she started un-black-a-tizing her face.

Molly was another popular Biff Rose song.

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