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?Natalie Gets Her Nipples Pierced

When Natalie decided to get her nipples pierced, she wanted it done right. So we both did a lot of research and came up with a place in Atlanta called Piercing Experience.?

Brian showing Natalie a selection of jewelry. She picked out silver barbells



A slightly bored Natalie waiting on Brian .

Note: Natalie was wearing a dress with nothing on underneath, so when she took it off, she was left wearing sandals. We didn't plan it that way, but what more fitting attire for Naked Natalie to wear for her piercing!



So where was Brian? Sterilizing stuff. That's one of the reasons we chose Piercing Experience - they perform a sterile piercing with surgical implant grade jewelry.


Brian explained the entire procedure to Natalie before they started. People ask her if it hurt. There's no way around it: Yes, it hurt like hell. But on the flip side, some people enjoy the "rush" they get during a piercing. Natalie was not one of them. :o)

Note: Stop flinching! It's ok to scroll down. We're not going to show you the actual, uh, impaling process, for lack of a better phrase, just the finished product.



Here they are.

We wondered what people would say. So far our favorite comment was from a friend who took one look and said: "I'd chip a tooth!"


?For more information about piercing, contact Brian at Piercing Experience, Atlanta GA


? ?Click here for lifesize view




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