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Cornbread Stuffed Onions

We were so anxious to eat these onions we forgot to photograph the finished product. Ah well.


Cut an onion in half along the equator...

...Coat the bottom of a wide, flat oven-safe dish with butter or margarine.

Separate the layers by pressing up with your thumbs on the bottom and pressing down on the edge of the outer layer with your fingers as shown below. Arrange the onion sections in the dish...

...I like to pre-cook my onion shells in the microwave so they get soft.

To make the stuffing, mix your favorite cornbread mixture (I use the pre-packaged stuff) with a can of Veg-All (juice included). Make sure it's thick enough so that it doesn't leak out the bottom of the onion sections.

Stuff those suckers! ...

...put the whole deal in the oven and bake until the cornbread mixture browns on the top.


Sorry that we don't have a finished product to show you. I'll take a photo next time I make this dish.



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